Abstract Art / Abstrakte Kunst 


"X" - Joachim Kath 2024 ©


"XX" - Joachim Kath 2024 ©


"Woman" - Joachim Kath 2024 ©


"Blossoms" - Joachim Kath 2023 ©


"Mother with Baby and Flowers" - Joachim Kath 2023 ©


"Horse or Dog" - Joachim Kath 2023 ©


"Slaughterhouse" - Joachim Kath 2022 ©


"Garden" - Joachim Kath 2022 ©


"Railway" - Joachim Kath 2022 © 


"Self Porträt 1" - Joachim Kath 2022 ©


"Underworld" - Joachim Kath 2022 ©


"Alien" Joachim Kath 2022 ©


"Don't believe, what you think" - Joachim Kath 2022 ©


"Fruits" - Joachim Kath 2022 ©



"Paris" - Joachim Kath 2022 ©


"Face to Face" -  Joachim Kath 2022 © 


Joachim Kath "City" 2022 ©


Joachim Kath "Windows" 2022 ©


Joachim Kath "Foliage" 2022 ©


Joachim Kath "Sunken" 2022 ©


Joachim Kath "Old White Men" 2022 © _________________________________________________________________

Joachim Kath "Ice Cristal" 2022 ©


Joachim Kath "Flow and Flowers I" 2022 ©


Joachim Kath "Flow and Flowers II" 2022 ©



City One

City One


Flower One

Flower One





French Fragrance

French Fragrance

Tiefes Wasser

Deep Water


Our life is what our thoughts make it!

(Marc Aurel)

Evidence matters - even

in my country!

Stop the War of Aggression now!

Warum Krieg?

Natural Sculpture by J. Kath

Olympic Pandemia by J. Kath

Snake by J.Kath ©

Black & White Photography ©


The profile determines the identity - and the identity determines the image! Design is the 

No. 1 success factor for every company!

Das Profil bestimmt die Identität - und die Identität das Image!

Gestaltung ist der Erfolgsfaktor Nr. 1 für jede Unternehmung!

The design share of the brand value is 50 percent. At least! 

Der Design-Anteil am

Markenwert beträgt

50 Prozent. Mindestens!