| Scientific Theories from Joachim Kath1. The Info-Gap Theory 1984 The information gap theory, plays an important role in understanding both how scientific research progresses and how humans engage with knowledge acquisition. This observation breaks down into several key points that are particu-larly relevant to modern contexts: 1. The difficulty of truly understan-ding problem structures in their full complexity. 2. The human tendency to simplify or modify problems to make them more manageable. 3. The risk of losing sight of the fundamental problem structure in the process. 4. The danger of creating busy work that appears productive but doesn't address the core issues. 5. The illusion of progress created by solving partial problems while the underlying issues remain unaddressed. In his 1984 book "info gaps, Joachim Kath formulated some groundbreaking theses and findings. "The problems of mankind are based on Infogaps. Whiteout any exception. Infogaps trigger crises, bankruptcies, conflicts, diseases and even wars." Or: "There are no completely identical info gap profiles. Every person has their own profile. Which sometimes makes communication difficult." Or: "Infogaps can insure and unsettle. It depends on how much imagination we have." Or: "We cannot fill up relatively different info gaps at the same time, probes only one after the other. This often limits our reactions." It is somewhat astonishing how up-to-date the authors over 40 year-old findings are. Incidentally, he coined the term "Infogaps" back then, which didn't exist before. As a result, Kath laid the foundations for info-gap theory, which is now used in research worldwide and has also influenced info gap decision theory, which plays an important role in decisions under severe uncertainty and in AI research. 2. The Around-The-Corner-Thinking Theory 1982 "The quickest way to noticeable improve your natural thinking immediately is to think outside the box!" "Sensory impressions are not only decisive for patterns, but also vice versa patterns for sensory impressions." "We tend to confirm existing thought patterns with similar patterns." "We generally agree when messages correspond to patterns that have already been established. Regardless of whether both are true or not." "Close target persons and large target groups cause the greatest communication problems." "In the case of close target persons, feelings hinder the content. With mass target groups, flattening hinders the content." "Every solution to a problem has consequences. Either positive or negative." The scientific findings from the book "Ums Eck denken macht klüger" ("Thinking around the corner makes you smarter") by Joachim Kath, the German communication scientist, author, lecturer and designer, have been incorporated into this theory. 3. The strategic CI/CD for drugstores 1978 Based on the two scientific theories "Info-Gaps" and "Around the corner thinking", which were published in 1982 and 1984, Joachim Kath rethought the processes for the new German retail form "drugstore" ("Drogeriemarkt") for dm as early as 1978 and until 1996. In his 1985 book "Angriffsmarketing schlägt Defensivmarketing" (Attack marketing beats defensive marke-ting), Joachim Kath described the strategy and concept in detail. Based on the dm corporate philosophy, the dm marketing strategy and the dm creative strategy, a basic concept was created and constantly expanded and improved over time. It ranges from the store design, the front and interior, to the stocking of the shelf rails and the advertising media such as daily newspaper ads, magazine ads, inserts and TV commercials. It also includes sales promotion measures, own promotions and partner promotions with the industry as well as sales aids. Work was constantly being done on the attractivness of the product range, on modern checkout systems, on shelf labels using laser printing instead of individual price labels, on a rolling secondary placement system, consumer information on the till receipt and in the recommendation campaign. The dm concept in marketing communication is comparatively diverse for a retail company, but, as experience shows, it can still be implemented locally because it is systematically structured. Dm drogerie markt is now the No. 1 in Europe! Somethong must have been done right! The truth is that the disruptive foundation of the two scientific theories and the careful implementation of new ideas in detail are behind it! Incidentally, according to Brand Finance, the ISO-certified brand value is 3,8 billion euros! 4. The strategic CI/CD for Rossmann 1987 After nine years of experience at dm, Joachim Kath was asked by Götz Werner, the founder of dm, to design a CI/CD (Corporate Identity and Corporate Design) for his former corporation partner in purchasing, Dirk Rossmann. Naturally, this positioning and corporate identity had to stand out visually from dm and still be at the same high level. To cut a long story short, Joachim Kath sat down in the summer of 1987 and designed six sketches of ideas in a creative process that is well documented. This is how he came up with the idea to design a centaur from Greek mythology, which most closely and best represent the name Rossmann. This core element of the CI/CD, which is to be used separately as a logo, is a copyrighted work of applied art and has an ISO-certified brand value of 4,2 billion euros according to Brand Finance. In addition, the 28 own brands with 5,000 different products are all labeled multiple times with the logo and generated sales of 4.3 billion euros in 2023. The strategic corporate identity and corporate design therefore make a signifikant and direct contribution to Rossmann's total sales, which amounted to 15,3 billion euros in 2024! Rossmann is the Nro. 2 in Europe, which is also no coincidence, because the company's strategic ideas and concepts are based on proven science. 5. The Final Philosophy Projekt 2024 How AI is changing digital mindset & human nature Brightest Minds Quotes AI Analysis Philosophically, artificial intellect is the ultimate explanation of human nature and taken as a whole, the finale of philosophical projects. We are not quite there yet and the idea of at least learning a lot about the future situation now is appealing. Remember, most of the skills will be irrelevant in the next 5 to 10 years! Let's face it, a subject could't be smarter when it comes to early preparation. The idea of incorporating the findings of the brightest minds in world history into the new way of thinking with the assistance of AI is a milestone in philosophy. My formula "Human Intelligence (HI) + Artificial Intelligence (AI) = New Mindset with more problem-solving skills" is proven knowledge! It offers numerous benefits, both for individuals and organizations, create new opportunities, and solve problems, all of which come together to drive growth. Truth is the correspondence between thought and fact. My thesis is very clear and logic: All our problems are communi-cation problems and persuasive communication is therefore the greatest skills of the 21st century. This works better with AI and AGI than without it! | Our life is what our thoughts make it! (Marc Aurel) Evidence matters - even in my country! Stop the War of Aggression now! Warum Krieg? Natural Sculpture by J. Kath Olympic Pandemia by J. Kath Snake by J.Kath © Black & White Photography © ART CREATES INSIGHT The profile determines the identity - and the identity determines the image! Design is the No. 1 success factor for every company! Das Profil bestimmt die Identität - und die Identität das Image! Gestaltung ist der Erfolgsfaktor Nr. 1 für jede Unternehmung! The design share of the brand value is 50 percent. At least! Der Design-Anteil am Markenwert beträgt 50 Prozent. Mindestens! |